Our mission is to provide executive leadership, as well as set priorities and goals for the City and its neighbourhoods.
Jack Well

A Brief Introduction to Us

Welcome to a Personal Political Website!

The Mayor's role as the executive of strategic authority is to promote economic development and wealth creation, social development, and improvement of the environment. The Mayor also has various other duties in relation to culture and tourism, including a responsibility for the city and its government.

Listen to My Speeches

Recognition for the Mayor

Greeting Letters for Events

We strengthen democratic institutions and support civil society by enhancing the laws and freedoms.

Congratulatory Letters

We believe that, to bring our economy and life to the new level, we must use non-standard methods in our work.

Proclamations From the Mayor

Democracy provides the natural environment for the effective realization of human rights.
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Please consider making a donation to support future development. Thank you for the right choice!
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My Team

Meet The Cabinet Heads

Stefan Rottmann


Florian Töpper

Vision for the City

My Political Vision


Die privaten Haushalte und die Unternehmen sind auf eine verlässliche, vor allem aber preiswerte Energieversorgung angewiesen…


Es müssen alle Anstrengungen unternommen werden, die Arbeitsplätze in der Region Schweinfurt zu sichern und zu halten.


Wir müssen den Fokus noch mehr auf unsere Infrastruktur und Daseinsvorsorge legen. Brücken, Straßen, Kanalisation, Schulen und Kindergärten …

Mangel an Fachkräften

Der Fachkräftemangel ist keine Randerscheinung. Es braucht fleißige Menschen die zupacken. Praktiker statt Theoretiker!

Mangel an Fachkräften

für den Bezirkstag

für den bayerischen Landtag

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